Détail bibliographique pour "start"
Nom de page: start
Auteur: Contributors of lm.ledruide.com
Publieur: Le Mirroir.
Date de revision: 30 July 2022 06:16 GMT
Date récupérée: 14 March 2025 05:12 GMT
URL permanente: https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773
Version ID de la page: 1659161773
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Style de citation pour "start"
start. (2022, Jul 30). Dans Le Mirroir. Récupéré 05:12, March 14, 2025, depuis https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773.
Contributors of lm.ledruide.com. "start". Le Mirroir. 30 Jul. 2022. Web. 14 Mar. 2025, 05:12
Contributors of lm.ledruide.com, 'start', Le Mirroir, 30 July 2022, 06:16 GMT, <https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773> [Accès 14 March 2025]
Contributors of lm.ledruide.com, "start", Le Mirroir, https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773 (Accès March 14, 2025).
Contributors of lm.ledruide.com. start [Internet]. Le Mirroir; 2022 Jul 30, 06:16 GMT [Cité 2025 Mar 14]. Dipso à: https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773.
start, https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773 (Dernière visite March 14, 2025).
Contributors of lm.ledruide.com. start. Le Mirroir. July 30, 2022, 06:16 GMT. Dipso à: https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773. Accès March 14, 2025.
@misc{ wiki:xxx, author = "Contributors of lm.ledruide.com", title = "start --- Le Mirroir", year = "2022", url = "https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773", note = "[Online; accessed 14-March-2025]" }
Lorsque vous utilisez l'URL de packaging LaTeX (\usepackage{url} quelquepart au début), qui donne souvent des addresses webs mieux formatées, ce qui suit peut être préféré:
@misc{ wiki:xxx, author = "Contributors of lm.ledruide.com", title = "start --- Le Mirroir", year = "2022", url = "\url{https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773}", note = "[Online; accessed 14-March-2025]" author = "Contributors of lm.ledruide.com", title = "start --- Le Mirroir", year = "2022", url = "\url{https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773}", note = "[Online; accessed 14-March-2025]" }
DokuWiki discussion
- Annotation
- [[start|start]] ([[https://lm.ledruide.com/doku.php?id=start&rev=1659161773|cette version]])
- Resultat
- start (cette version)