Il Cappello- the hat (Image: [[]])Cappello is an Italian equivalent of the English word "hat." The masculine singular noun may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ("the") or indefinite un, uno ("a, an"). The pronunciation will be "kap-PEL-lo" in Italian. What is 'cappello' when translated from Italian to English? Cappello in Italian means "hat" in English. What is 'hat parade' when translated from English to Italian? German to Italian = ha sfilata What is 'mine' when translated from English to Italian? mio - if using in a sentence such as the hat is mine or you are mine. What is 'Italian' when translated from English to Italian? "Italian" in English is italiano in Italian. What is 'raccoon' when translated from English to Italian? When translated from English to Italian a raccoon is a procione What is 'she' when translated from English to Italian? "She" in English is lei in Italian. What is 'you' when translated from English to Italian? "You" in English is tu in Italian. What is 'of' when translated from English to Italian? "Of" in English is di in Italian. What is 'when' when translated from English to Italian? "When?" in English is Quando? in Italian. What is 'and' when translated from English to Italian? "And" in English is e in Italian. What is 'about' when translated from English to Italian? "About" in English is circa in [[|Italian]]. What is 'out' when translated from English to Italian? "Out" in English is fuori in Italian. What is 'No' when translated from English to Italian? "No!" in English means No! in Italian. What is 'have' when translated from English to Italian? "Have" in English is avere in Italian. What is 'or' when translated from English to Italian? "Or" in English is o in Italian. What is 'after' when translated from English to Italian? "After" in English is dopo in Italian. What is 'why' when translated from English to Italian? "Why?" in English is Perché? in Italian. What is 'not Italian' when translated from English to Italian? "Not italian" in English is non italiano in Italian. What is 'Sue' when translated from English to Italian? It's actually soposed to be translated from Italian to English whish is "his". What is 'where' when translated from English to Italian? "Where" in English means dove in Italian. What is 'What is' when translated from English to Italian? "What is...?" in English is Cos'è...? in Italian. What is 'You have' when translated from English to Italian? "You have" in English is Hai in Italian. What is 'Translate English into Italian' when translated from English to Italian? "Translate English into Italian" in English is Traduca l'inglese in italiano in Italian. What is 'Italian' when translated into Italian? "Italian" in English is italiano in Italian. What is 'italiano' when translated from Italian to English? Italiano in Italian means "Italian" in English. What is 'at' when translated from English to Italian? At in Italian is just a. Answer: a What is 'You did' when translated from English to Italian? "You did" in English is Hai fatto! in Italian. What is 'I am' when translated from English to Italian? "I am!" in English is Io sono! in Italian. What is 'am' when translated from English to Italian? "Am" in English means (Io) sono in Italian. What is 'How are you' when translated from English to Italian? "How are you?" in English is Come stai? in Italian. What is 'and you' when translated from English to Italian? "And you?" in English is E tu? in Italian. What is 'to have' when translated from English to Italian? "To have" in English means avere in Italian. What is 'I will be there' when translated from English to Italian? "I will be there!" in English is Ci sarò! in Italian. What is 'What about you' when translated from English to Italian? "What about you?" in English is E tu? in Italian. What is 'Who we are' when translated from English to Italian? "Who we are" in English is Chi siamo in Italian. What is 'hanno when translated from Italian to English? Hanno in Italian is "(formal) You have" or "They have" in English. What is 'We had to' when translated from English to Italian? "We had to..." in English is Abbiamo dovuto... in Italian. What is 'Ho' when translated from Italian to English? Ho in Italian is "I have" in English. What is 'questa' when translated from Italian to English? Questa in Italian is "this" in English. What is 'about me' when translated from English to Italian? "About me!" in English is Su di me! in Italian. What is 'How is he' when translated from English to Italian? "How is he?" in English is Come sta? in Italian. What is 'provincial Italian' when translated from English to Italian? "Provincial Italian" in English is italiano provinciale in Italian. What is 'How is your Italian' when translated from English to Italian? "How is your Italian?" in English is Com'è il tuo Italiano? in Italian. What is 'Italian restaurant' when translated from English to Italian? "Italian restaurant" in English is ristorante italiano in Italian. What is 'Can you speak Italian' when translated from English to Italian? "Can you speak Italian?" in English is Parla italiano? in Italian. What is 'I am not Italian' when translated from English to Italian? "I am not Italian!" in English is Io non sono italiano! in Italian. What is 'Italian conversation' when translated from English to Italian? "Italian conversation" in English is conversazione italiana in Italian. What is 'Italian queen' when translated from English to Italian? "Italian queen" in English is regina Italiana in Italian. What is 'Italian ambiance' when translated from English to Italian? "Italian ambiance" in English is atmosfera italiana in Italian. What is 'book' when translated from English to Italian? Libro is an Italian equivalent of the English word "book." The pronunciation of the masculine singular noun -- which may be preceded by the masculine singular definite (il, "the") or [[|Shop nón đẹp]] indefinite (un, "a, an") articles -- will be "LEE-bro" in Italian. Categories Animal Life Business God of Chaos" asteroid hit the Earth in 2029? People whose marriages made it less than a year, why did you get divorced? What are the largest constellations? What really happened to Amelia Earhart? What are some interesting facts about left-handed people? What is true, half true, or a complete fabrication we tell students about the first Thanksgiving? What are the best books from your childhood that every kid should read? How do we get our dog to stop passing gas? Who wrote the Statue of Liberty poem? What are some things about Americans that make non-Americans cringe? 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